Archiv der Kategorie: Renaissance

The New Atlantis

The New Atlantis – Sir Francis Bacon

The ‘New Atlantis’, first published in 1627, but probably written between 1622 and 1624, is a fragmentary sketch of an ideal commonwealth, and in particular of an ideal “palace of invention” called “Solomon’s House,”—a great establishment of scientific research such as Bacon longed to see founded. The book, which expresses the idealistic spirit of the Renaissance, shows Bacon at his best. The description of Solomon’s house is said to have led to the establishment of the Royal Society. .

The New Atlantis

The New Atlantis

Format: Paperback

The New Atlantis.

ISBN: 9783849691813

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Francis Bacon (from Wikipedia):

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, PC KC (22 January 1561 … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Philosophy & Politics (English), Renaissance | Schreib einen Kommentar


Essays – Sir Francis Bacon

Of Bacon’s literary, as distinct from his philosophical and professional, works, far the most popular and important are the ‘Essays.’ But it may not be superfluous to remark that the ‘Essays’ are the most original of all Bacon’s works, those which, in detail, he seems to have thought out most completely for himself, apart from books and collections of commonplaces. Though the ‘Essays’ have the same title as the larger collection of Montaigne, the two works have little in common, except their rare power of exciting interest and the unmistakable mark of genius which is impressed on them both.



Format: Paperback


ISBN: 9783849692094

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Francis … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Philosophy & Politics (English), Renaissance | Schreib einen Kommentar

Novum Organum

Novum Organum – Sir Francis Bacon

The ‘Novum Organum,’ in the shape in which its author left it, is only a fragment of the larger work which Bacon contemplated under that title, as adequately representing the second part of the ‘Great Instauration.’ Nevertheless, though only a fragment, the ‘Novum Organum,’ and especially the first book, is the most carefully written of all Bacon’s philosophical works. Moreover, as describing the new method of which the renovation of knowledge was to be the result, it is the keystone of the entire system.

Novum Organum

Novum Organum

Format: Paperback

Novum Organum.

ISBN: 9783849692087

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Francis Bacon (from Wikipedia):

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, PC KC (22 … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Philosophy & Politics (English), Renaissance | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Advancement of Learning

The Advancement of Learning – Sir Francis Bacon

The Advancement of Learning is a splendid attempt to defend and magnify the pursuit of learning and then to survey the existing state of human knowledge. Part of the argument of the first part has lost its cogency, or even its relevancy, today. But in breadth of view and fertility of suggestion the work is extraordinary. As a statement of intellectual ideals, and a program, or even a prophecy, of their accomplishment, it stands among the most significant productions of the Renaissance

The Advancement of Learning

The Advancement of Learning

The Advancement of Learning.

ISBN: 9783849692070

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Francis Bacon (from Wikipedia):

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, PC … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Philosophy & Politics (English), Renaissance | Schreib einen Kommentar