Archiv der Kategorie: Webster, Jean

Jerry Junior

Jerry Junior – Jean Webster

‘Jerry Junior’, by Jean Webster, is a delightful little romance for light reading. The hero, an ingenious American youth, finds himself stranded at an Italian hotel with no diversion but the view, the head waiter, and the parrot, whose vocabulary is enlarged with some choice American expressions. In a pink villa, not far from the hotel, lives an American girl, who occasionally visits the hotel. The youth falls a victim to her charms and when she wishes to engage a guide, he bribes his friend, the waiter, to let him play the role. It subsequently develops that the girl is an intimate friend of the hero’s sister, with the inevitable result. The author has a … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Wheat Princess

The Wheat Princess – Jean Webster

In this novel a study is presented of a common enough American experience, but from a new point of view. Copley, the wheat king, has cornered the American supply of wheat. His daughter Marcia, who is in Italy, is forced to see the people starving and rebellious because her father’s maneuvers in the market have raised the price of daily bread. Her uncle, with whom she is living, endeavors to lighten the suffering which his brother has caused by distributing money among the starving Italians; but his generosity is misunderstood, and his niece is hooted and almost mobbed in the street as the “Wheat princess,” who is helping to grind the faces of the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

When Patty Went To College

When Patty Went To College – Jean Webster

Of all the college stories that have been published in the past hundred or so years, those gathered by Jean Webster into her book ‘When Patty Went to College’ are among the best. Never before has that subtle and much-abused thing known as ” college atmosphere” been so well transferred into type as in this book, the happy-go-lucky irresponsibility, tempered by a vein of conscientiousness, inconsistent and bewildering, that makes the ordinary undergraduate an inexplicable puzzle to the outsider. Miss Patty Wyatt, who furnishes the foreground for the fifteen stories contained in the book, amply exempli¿es this bewildering many sidedness. She is ever just in or just out of difficulty, and yet … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

Dear Enemy

Dear Enemy – Jean Webster

‘Dear Enemy’, by Jean Webster, is a novel the events of which are related in the form of letters by the heroine. A formal introduction, indeed, to one of the most intimate, realistic and thoroughly enjoyable pieces of fiction ever! How a charming young woman, all depths and tenderness under her somewhat frivolous exterior, accepts the superintendency of an orphan asylum, and with it the charge of some hundred and thirteen sadly neglected orphans, is merely the beginning of this altogether whimsical, joyful tale. How she transforms the dreadful interior of the New York orphanage; what she does for the youngsters who don’t even know how to play; how she becomes engaged to the wrong … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar


Daddy-Long-Legs – Jean Webster

The books of Jean Webster, like ‘Just Patty’ or ‘When Patty Went to College’ have already shown her rare touch of humor. The letters which Judy writes to her anonymous benefactor might have been cut and dried formal reports of college work; but they aren’t, for Judy is an electric bundle of spicy originality; and her letters to ‘Dear Daddy Long-Legs’ are delicious chronicles of a young girl’s growth out of a starved, lonely childhood into happy, rich womanhood. The illustrations are the author’s own and they look as if they had just been scribbled in fun, on the margin of a letter.



Format: eBook.


ISBN: 9783849658816


Excerpt from the text:


THE first Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

Just Patty

Just Patty – Jean Webster

A book which relates some of the earlier adventures of the Patty who went to college. The adventures are of the happy, healthy sort in which every girl of school age will delight. Older readers, too, who have already made Patty’s acquaintance as a college girl will enjoy these stories of her younger days. The book is full of humor and innocent pranks and perfect to give to our girls, because it is just clean, wholesome, and refreshing.

Just Patty

Just Patty.

Format: eBook.

Just Patty.

ISBN: 9783849658809


Excerpt from the text:


“IT’S a shame!” said Priscilla.

“It’s an outrage!” said Conny.

“It’s an insult!” said Patty.

“To separate us now after we’ve been together three Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

Much Ado About Peter

Much Ado About Peter – Jean Webster

The reader that would have the delightful experience of falling- in love with the Carters’ serving-maid must read ‘Much Ado About Peter’ by Jean Webster. And, incidentally, she who would rather not fall in love with the Carters’ groom had better avoid this collection of short stories about Annie O’Reilly and Peter Malone. These ten tales of life from the viewpoint of those below stairs all have the same hero and heroine, and the fact that the conclusion brings them to the usual fate of lovers gives the book the semblance of a novel. Besides Annie and Peter, the gardener Vittorio, late of the Bersaglieri Corps, who fought Menelek in Abyssinia, makes a … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Four Pools Mystery

The Four Pools Mystery – Jean Webster

Here is one of the best, if not the best, stories of mystery and tragedy of the 1900 years. To ‘Four-Pools,’ a quiet stock-farm set in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, comes a worn-out New York lawyer for a vacation. He is a witness of many curious things and of the final tragedy. The unraveling of the mysteries which follow each other with a cumulative interest is due to a clever New York newspaper chap. It’s an unusual and stirring story, in which the portrayal of life on a Southern plantation and the horror and fear roused in the negroes by what they believed manifestations of the ancestral ‘ha’nt’ is clearly and vividly done. … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Webster, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar