Monatsarchive: November 2021

A Son at the Front

A Son at the Front – Edith Wharton

Mrs. Wharton’s story is the simple one of John Campton, the great American painter, whose only son, born in France, is subject to military service. The father, his divorced wife, and her banking husband all interest themselves to keep the boy out of danger, but he eludes their care and while ostensibly on staff work he is really with his regiment at the front. He is wounded, recovers, goes back, is wounded again and returns to die. The theme of the novel is American participation in the war, dramatized by the conversion of John Campton from a position of indifferent neutrality at the outset to a conviction that no ‘civilized man could … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Wharton, Edith | Schreib einen Kommentar

Emily of New Moon

Emily of New Moon – Lucy Maud Montgomery

In the story little Emily Byrd Starr, aged eleven, has been left an orphan. We are in time to see the death of her father, Douglas Starr, an unsuccessful journalist, and to learn that though he had never been forgiven for having eloped with Juliet Murray, yet the Murray pride is such that the family will certainly provide for Juliet’s daughter. It is decided by the drawing of iots that she shall go to New Moon with two of her aunts. New Moon, called after the ship in which the Murrays sailed from the old country, had been built more than a century ago; the family had spread and, prospered, its tentacles Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Montgomery, Lucy Maud | Schreib einen Kommentar

Washington and its Romance

Washington and its Romance – Thomas Nelson Page

The capitals of most countries are the especial pride of their people. It is not so with us—at least, it has not been so in the past. Happily, it appears as though this condition were changing. It has, indeed, ever appeared to me strange that Americans know so little of and care so little for the capital of their own country. Nature, prodigal of gracious slope and curve and tone, has endowed it with, perhaps, more charm than any other national capital—at least, than any large European capital—and its founders laid it off on a generous plan which has left the opportunity of furthering what Nature presented, in a way to appeal … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

The World Crisis, Volume 2

The World Crisis, Volume 2 – Winston Churchill

‘The World Crisis’ is Winston Churchill’s narrative of World War I, published in several volumes. Although nominally starting in 1911 when Churchill became head of the Admiralty, the first volume commences in 1870 with the Franco-Prussian War and ends with the events in Turkey and on the Balkan in 1914. Churchill’s account is generally acknowledge as his masterpiece and a valuable contribution to the history of the War.

The World Crisis, Volume 2

The World Crisis, Volume 2

Format: eBook.

The World Crisis, Volume 2.

ISBN: 9783849652807.

Only available in the USA.


Summary (from Wikipedia)


1915 is described as a “year of ill-fortune to the cause of the Allies”, starting with the Deadlock in the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter European History (English), World History (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

The World Crisis, Volume 1

The World Crisis, Volume 1 – Winston Churchill

‘The World Crisis’ is Winston Churchill’s narrative of World War I, published in several volumes. Although nominally starting in 1911 when Churchill became head of the Admiralty, the first volume commences in 1870 with the Franco-Prussian War and ends with the events in Turkey and on the Balkan in 1914. Churchill’s account is generally acknowledge as his masterpiece and a valuable contribution to the history of the War.

The World Crisis, Volume 1

The World Crisis, Volume 1

Format: eBook.

The World Crisis, Volume 1.

ISBN: 9783849652791.

Only available in the USA.


Summary (from Wikipedia)

Although nominally starting in 1911 when Churchill became head of the Admiralty, the narrative commences in 1870 with the Franco-Prussian War … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter European History (English), World History (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere (Deutsche Neuübersetzung)

Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere (Deutsche Neuübersetzung) – Hugh Lofting

In “Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere” erzählt Hugh Lofting in unnachahmlicher und witziger Sprache die erstaunliche Geschichte des eigentümlichen und liebenswerten alten Arztes, über den sich auch jung gebliebene, ältere Leser immer noch köstlich amüsieren.

Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere

Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere

Format: Paperback, eBook

Doktor Dolittle und seine Tiere
(Deutsche Neuübersetzung).

ISBN: 9783849669706 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9783849652784 (eBook)


Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel:


Es war einmal vor vielen Jahren, als unsere Großväter kleine Kinder waren, da gab es einen Arzt, dessen Name war Dolittle – Doktor John Dolittle. “Doktor” bedeutet, dass er ein richtiger Arzt war und eine ganze Menge wusste.

Er lebte in einer kleinen Stadt namens Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. Alle … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter L, Lofting-Hugh, Meisterwerke der Literatur | Schreib einen Kommentar

Das wunderbare Land von Oz

Das wunderbare Land von Oz.

Diese zweite Oz-Geschichte aus der Feder von L. Frank Baum erzählt die weiteren Abenteuer der Vogelscheuche (die den Zauberer als Herrscher über Oz abgelöst hat) und des Blechmanns. Außerdem werden wir einigen entzückenden neuen Charakteren vorgestellt, darunter Jack Kürbiskopf, das Sägepferd und der Gump, die alle durch das magische Pulver des Lebens animiert wurden. Wir treffen auch Professor S. V. Wackelkäfer, G. A. (stark vergrößert und gut ausgebildet), der wegen seiner unglaublichen Gelehrsamkeit später königlicher Erzieher wird. Es gibt einige aufregende Momente, in denen die Vogelscheuche von einer Armee aufrührerischer Mädchen gestürzt wird, aber am Ende gelingt es Prinzessin Ozma, der rechtmäßigen Herrscherin von Oz, den Thron zu erklimmen.

Das wunderbare Land von Oz

Das wunderbare Land von Oz

Format: … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter B, Baum-L. Frank, Meisterwerke der Literatur | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Prophet

The Prophet – Khalil Gibran

‘The Prophet’ consists of 26 fables written by the poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. The chapters deal with love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, houses, clothes, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, talking, time, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion, and death. ‘The Prophet’ ist one of the most translated books in the world and has been translated into more than 100 languages.

The Prophet

The Prophet

Format: eBook.

The Prophet.

ISBN: 9783849652760.


Excerpt from the first chapter:

ALMUSTAFA, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Toomer, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar


Cane – Jean Toomer

‘Cane’ is a novel and possibly the best-known work by Jean Toomer. The novel is built up in a series of vignettes that deal with the origins and experiences of African Americans in the United States. The vignettes picture the South in sketches, short stories and poems by. A book whose tap roots run deep in the Southern soil, and whose music sways our emotions as only primitive desires can.



Format: eBook.


ISBN: 9783849652753.

Only available in certain countries.


Cane (from Wikipedia):

Toomer spent a great deal of time working on the structure of Cane. He said that the design was a circle. Aesthetically, Cane builds from simple to complex forms; regionally, it … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Toomer, Jean | Schreib einen Kommentar

New Hampshire – A Poem with notes and grace notes

New Hampshire – A Poem with notes and grace notes – Robert Frost

New Hampshire is a collection of poems written by Robert Frost and first published in the United States in 1923. The work was awrded a Pulitzer Prize. The book includes some of the most prominent and best-known poetry of Frost, including ‘New Hampshire’, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ and many more.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Format: eBook.

New Hampshire.

ISBN: 9783849652746.

Only available in certain countries.


New Hampshire (from Wikipedia):

New Hampshire is a 1923 volume of poems written by Robert Frost which won the 1924 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.

The book included several of Frost’s most well-known poems, including “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Frost, Robert | Schreib einen Kommentar