Monatsarchive: März 2018

Gnani Yoga

Gnani Yoga – Yogi Ramacharaka

“Gnani Yoga” is the “Yoga” of Wisdom. It is followed by those of a scientific, intellectual type, who are desirous of reasoning out, proving, experimenting, and classifying the occult knowledge. It is the path of the scholar. Its follower is strongly attracted toward metaphysics. Examples of the idea of “Gnani Yoga”—apparently widely differing examples—are to be seen in the great philosophers of ancient and modern times, and in the other extreme, those who have a strong tendency toward metaphysical teachings. As a matter of fact, nearly all students of the Yogi Philosophy, are more or less attracted to “Gnani Yoga”, even though they be said to be following one of the other of the three … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter The Sacred Books (English), Yoga | Schreib einen Kommentar

Genuine Mediumship

Genuine Mediumship – William Walker Atkinson

Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers is one of the masterworks of William W. Atkinson. The book deals with abnormal and supernatural powers, clairvoyance, mental capabilities of man and the spiritual planes.

Genuine Mediumship

Genuine Mediumship

Format: Paperback.

Genuine Mediumship.

ISBN: 9783849672423.

Available at and other venues.


Mental Science and New Thought (from Wikipedia):

Some time after his healing, William Walker Atkinson (a.k.a. Theron Q. Dumont) began to write articles on the truths he felt he had discovered, which were then known as Mental Science. In 1889, an article by him entitled “A Mental Science Catechism,” appeared in Charles Fillmore’s new periodical, Modern Thought.

By the early 1890s Chicago had become a major centre … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Occultism, The Sacred Books (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

Martin Chuzzlewit

Martin Chuzzlewit – Charles Dickens

The issue of a new edition of Martin Chuzzlewit tempts us to devote a few words to the consideration of what we venture to think the most brilliant and entertaining of all the works of Mr. Dickens. We do not pretend to have any observations to offer on so familiar a work that can have much novelty for the established admirers of Mr. Dickens. There are especially three parts of Martin Chuzzlewit that have thus been incorporated into the body of English thought. There is the history and character of Mr. Pecksniff; there is the figure, the habits, and the friend of Mrs. Gamp; and there is the description of all that Martin did and … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Dickens, Charles | Schreib einen Kommentar

A Short History Of The World

A Short History Of The World – H. G. Wells

The romance of world history is Mr. Wells’ theme. Shorn of elaboration and complication,  this new book forms an interesting, informing and authoritative story of man through the ages. The book is meant to be read straightforwardly almost as a novel is read. It gives in the most general way an account of our present knowledge of history shorn of elaboration and everything has been done to make it clear and vivid … to meet the needs of the busy general reader, too driven to study the maps and the time charts of other works.

A Short History Of The World

A Short History Of The World

Format: Paperback.

A Short History Of The World.

ISBN: … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Wells, H.G. | Schreib einen Kommentar

Swedenborg, A Hermetic Philosopher

Swedenborg, A Hermetic Philosopher – Ethan Allen Hitchcock

The writer of this book desires to say that, in preparing the work, it has been no part of his design to express his individual opinions upon the topics discussed. His purpose has been to suggest the opinions of others, especially of a class of men scarcely recognized as existing in the world. The art they profess, called after the name of Hermes, Hermetic Philosophy, is so little known at the present day that the name of it by no means indicates it. The adepts profess to be, or to have been, in possession of a secret, which they call the gift of God. The art has been prosecuted under many names, … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Biographies (English), Mysticism, Spirituality, The Sacred Books (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mental Therapeutics

Mental Therapeutics – Theron Q. Dumont

These lessons give you the essence and substance of the best scientific knowledge regarding the prevention and cure of physical ills by the power of the mind. But in presenting the theory and practice of Mental Therapeutics there is absolutely no reference to mysticism or occultism, or strange metaphysical and philosophical theories. Mental Therapeutics is a science, not a superstition; it is something based on sound scientific facts, and not upon vague imaginings.

Mental Therapeutics

Mental Therapeutics

Format: Paperback.

Mental Therapeutics.

ISBN: 9783849672683.

Available at and other venues.


Mental Science and New Thought (from Wikipedia):

Some time after his healing, William Walker Atkinson (a.k.a. Theron Q. Dumont) began to write articles on the truths … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Mind Power (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

Byways to Blessedness

Byways to Blessedness – James Allen

Along the highways of Burma there is placed, at regular distances away from the dust of the road, and under the cool shade of a group of trees, a small wooden building called a “rest-house”, where the weary traveller may rest a while, and allay his thirst and assuage his hunger and fatigue by partaking of the food and water which the kindly inhabitants place there as a religious duty. Along the great highway of life there are such resting places; away from the heat of passion and the dust of disappointment, under the cool and refreshing shade of lowly Wisdom, are the humble, unimposing “rest-houses” of peace, and the little, almost unnoticed, byways … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Mind Power (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Creed of Buddha

The Creed of Buddha – Edmond Holmes

The author of ” The Creed of Buddha ” can safely say that no better exposition of Buddhism has ever been given to the world. It is sympathetic, it is scholarly, and it is complete. Between east and west, says the author, a gulf has been fixed, a gulf created by basic ideas, hollowed out by the erosive action of speculative thought. The Western mind takes for granted the reality of outward things. The Eastern mind attributes the only reality to the soul. All else is maya, illusion. And there are very few that can bridge thatgulf.In the East, where the soul is the supreme and fundamental reality, the identification of God with … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Buddhism, The Sacred Books (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Sacred Writings of Saint Hilary of Poitiers

The Sacred Writings of Saint Hilary of Poitiers – Hilary of Poitiers

Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, holds the highest rank among the Latin writers of his century. Designated already by Augustine as “the illustrious doctor of the churches,” he by his works exerted an increasing influence in later centuries; and by Pius IX. he was formally recognized as “universae ecclesiae doctor” at the synod of Bordeaux in 1851. This edition contains his most important texts.

The Sacred Writings of Saint Hilary of Poitiers

The Sacred Writings of Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Format: Paperback.

The Sacred Writings of Saint Hilary of Poitiers.

ISBN: 9783849672652.

Available at and other venues.


The writings of Hilary of Poitiers (from wikipedia)

Recent research has distinguished between Hilary’s thought before his period … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Church History, The Sacred Books (English), The Sacred Writings | Schreib einen Kommentar

Oriental Cairo – The City of the Arabian Nights

Oriental Cairo – The City of the Arabian Nights – Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen

Mr. Sladen found that Cairo included a glorious mediaeval city of the Arabian Nights, with innumerable monuments of medieval Arab architecture and unspoiled native life. To this he strives to call attention in a book that he hopes to make “chatty and interesting.” And he unquestionably succeeds. Mr. Sladen at his best is easily capable of writing. By reading the book the toursit will learn “How to Shop in Cairo,” as well as how to enjoy the “Humors of the Esbekiya” and countless other entertaining features of this variegated modern capital. He will even know the “Artist’s Bits in Cairo,” and will receive explicit directions how … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Middle East History (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar