Archiv der Kategorie: Stratton-Porter, Gene

Stratton-Porter, Gene. Because Gene Stratton-Porter cares for the truth that is in her, she is the most widely read and most widely loved author in America today, with the probable exception of Harold Bell Wright. She is absolutely sincere in all her work, she is in dead earnest, she does not care primarily for money, but for certain ideas and ideals. Let no one underestimate the tremendous power that is hers because of these things, let no one underestimate her hold upon millions of readers; let none undervalue the influence she has exerted and continues to exert, an influence always for good, for clean living, for manly men, for womanly women, for love of nature, for sane and reasonable human hopes and aspirations, for honest affection, for wholesome laughter, for a healthy emotionalism as the basis and justification of humble and invaluable lives.

If Mrs. Porter has egoism it is the sort of egoism that the world needs. It is nothing more or less than a firm and sustaining belief in one’s self, in the worth of one’s work, and is bred of a passionate conviction that you must always give the best of yourself without stint. Is it egoistical to believe that? Is it self-centeredness to be proud of that? Is it wrong, having set the world the best example of which you are capable, to call it to the world’s attention? You will not get the present reporter to say so! You will get from him nothing but an expression of his own conviction that while literature, aesthetically viewed, may not have been enriched by Mrs. Porter’s writings, thousands, yes, tens of thousands of men and women have been made happier and better by her stories. And that just about sweeps any other possible accomplishment into limbo! The secret of Mrs. Porter’s success is sincerity, complete sincerity; doing one’s best work and doing it to the top of one’s bent. It is not a question of art. There is no art about it. The finest literary artist in the world could not duplicate her performance unless he were a duplicate of her. It’s not a literary matter at all; the thing has its roots in the personality, in the mind and heart and nervous organization of the writer. If you could be a Gene Stratton-Porter you could write the novels she writes and achieve just the success she achieves, a success which is improperly measured by earnings up to $750,000 from her books, a success of which the true measure can never be taken because it is a success in human lives and not in dollars.

Her Father’s Daughter

Her Father’s Daughter – Gene Stratton-Porter

The energetic, joyous way that Linda Strong wins the heart of everyone in Lilac Valley will carry you in a spell of delight to the fairyland of Nature which Gene Stratton-Porter has truthfully pictured for the environment of her new, lovable girl-character. None of her books will linger in your memory longer than “Her Father’s Daughter”. None brings you a bigger message of truth and loyalty. “Her Father’s Daughter” is delighting both the lovers of her Nature books and the admirers of her fiction. Throughout the lovely, realistic atmosphere of these California gardenlands, and the happy surprises of the story, radiates always the winning personality of Linda Strong.

Her Father's Daughter

Her Father’s Daughter

Format: Paperback.

Her … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

A Daughter of the Land

A Daughter of the Land – Gene Stratton-Porter

Mrs. Porter’s stories are laid in Indiana, in the region of the Limberlost, a great swamp which has been “shorn, branded and tamed” by oilmen and lumbermen, who have driven away the many birds, moths and butterflies, and destroyed much of the plant life. “A Daughter of the Land” is Mrs. Porter’s most ambitious novel. It is the life story of a girl up to the time of her second marriage. The heroine was the youngest of sixteen children and as a girl was denied the educational advantages given to her brothers. She had the courage to rebel and make her own life.

A Daughter of the Land

A Daughter of the Land

Format: Paperback.

A Daughter … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

Michael O’Halloran

Michael O’Halloran – Gene Stratton-Porter

Michael O’Halloran, nicknamed “Mickey”, is a sturdy, big-hearted fellow, an orphan who has remembered the admonitions of his mother and has made the best possible use of them. A most original little fellow he is, full of hard, common sense, and as determined as any boy can be. Every character in the story stands out as clean-cut as a cameo, and there are around dozen of them, all excellent people. The story is interspersed with a feeling for nature – for flowers and birds and the gentle in all things, and with a decided reference for the sweet and genuine and innocent in life, together with an unfaltering faith and expressed assurance in the goodness Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar


Laddie – Gene Stratton-Porter

A Tale of Indiana—a picture straight from life, showing the home circle of the Stantons and telling the love story of Laddie, the big brother of the Stanton family, and Pamela Pryor, an English girl. The book is full of poetry and of that love of nature that goes hand in hand with the author’s idealism. The vividness of the home life quite lays hold of one so that he cries out: “Here, indeed, is a true story!”

Few will forget the charm of the home wedding when Shelley Stanton was married, or the delicious moment when Leon, facing the congregation in the little Methodist Church, recited his thirteen texts, addressing each one to a member … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Harvester

The Harvester – Gene Stratton-Porter

Mrs. Gene Stratton-Porter’s novel is an illustration of the harmony and intimacy which does rightly exist between a man and a forest. In ‘ The Harvester ‘ she has not only dramatized, but proved the purifying and preservative forces that are always present and predominant in such a situation. This is why the story is so popular. It is utterly simple, nothing in the plot to appeal to morbid interest or curiosity. We really prefer what is good and clean in man and in nature if we can get it portrayed in fiction.

The Harvester

The Harvester

Format: Paperback.

The Harvester.

ISBN: 9783849687861

Available at and other venues.


Short biography of the author (from Wikipedia):… Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

A Girl fo the Limberlost

A Girl fo the Limberlost – Gene Stratton-Porter

The scene is laid in the same country as that of “Freckles”, which appeared a few years before. A number of the characters in “Freckles” are introduced here, and Elnora, the chief character, has the same deep love for the woods that possessed the boy Freckles. She has also become the proud owner of all his books on birds, insects, etc., and has tried to preserve the wonderful room he had made on the edge of the swamp. Elnora is a strong character, and although she has many things to contend with, she accomplishes what she has set out to do—namely, win for herself the education she craved. Through the money she Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Fire Bird

The Fire Bird – Gene Stratton-Porter

In musical flow of rhythm and word this poem of early Indian life tells the tragedy of a beautiful maiden whose love for a chieftain led her into jealous revenge. This revenge was the means of destroying not only her rival, but herself. In the telling there are passages of surpassing beauty, pictures of forest life and of Indian customs. The life drama is skilfully handled and the weaving in of the legend of the fire bird shows a knowledge of early American literature that is authoritative.

The Fire Bird

The Fire Bird

Format: Paperback.

The Fire Bird.

ISBN: 9783849689025

Available at and other venues.


Short biography of the author (from Wikipedia):

She was born … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

Morning Face

Morning Face – Gene Stratton-Porter

The keynote of joyousness is struck by the title “Morning Face,” since the words represent the inspired idea of R. L. Stevenson in his verse, “If I have shown no morning face.” About this idea Gene Stratton-Porter, author of “Laddie,” “Freckles,” etc., has made this book for children. Although many tens of thousands of children have read and loved “Freckles” and her other books, this is the first time she has made a book specially for the youngsters. In prose and verse she gives her word-pictures of the buds, the flowers, and the life of the out-of-doors.

Morning Face

Morning Face

Format: Paperback.

Morning Face.

ISBN: 9783849689018

Available at and other venues.


Short biography of … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

Homing with the Birds

Homing with the Birds – Gene Stratton-Porter

“Homing with the Birds” is a book in which one comes into intimate contact with one’s feathered friends, to the extent of feeling that they actually have personalities! This is doubtless because Mrs. Porter is a true and devoted friend to them herself, and has been so since her childhood. She says: “Almost my first distinct memory is connected with a bird.” and then proceeds to tell how this was upon an occasion when she was willing to deny herself the joy of eating cherries in order that woodpeckers in the neighborhood might not be killed! Many such incidents of the author’s childhood are in the book, demonstrating her intense, almost romantic, attachment Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar

Moths of the Limberlost

Moths of the Limberlost – Gene Stratton-Porter

It is about this very bit of Indiana that Mrs. Porter has written her book,”Moths of the Limberlost,” and it is the most unusual and interesting nature book ever imagined. It is a story of the “Moths” of the Limberlost which every reader of “A Girl of the Limberlost” will remember. Mrs. Porter pictures and describes the moth, hunted by Elnora, and in these chapters there is one oi the landscapes over which she hunted, much of the swamp, and the very bridge under which she was working to cut loose a cocoon when Philip came up the stream, fishing. There is also the log cabin in which Elnora lived. The text is Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Classics of Fiction (English), Stratton-Porter, Gene | Schreib einen Kommentar