Archiv der Kategorie: District of Columbia

The Capital City (And its Part in the History of our Nation)

The Capital City (And its Part in the History of our Nation) – Rufus Rockwell Wilson

The capitals of most countries are the especial pride of their people. It is not so with us—at least, it has not been so in the past. Happily, it appears as though this condition were changing. It has, indeed, ever appeared to me strange that Americans know so little of and care so little for the capital of their own country. Nature, prodigal of gracious slope and curve and tone, has endowed it with, perhaps, more charm than any other national capital—at least, than any large European capital—and its founders laid it off on a generous plan which has left the opportunity of furthering … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Washington and its Romance

Washington and its Romance – Thomas Nelson Page

The capitals of most countries are the especial pride of their people. It is not so with us—at least, it has not been so in the past. Happily, it appears as though this condition were changing. It has, indeed, ever appeared to me strange that Americans know so little of and care so little for the capital of their own country. Nature, prodigal of gracious slope and curve and tone, has endowed it with, perhaps, more charm than any other national capital—at least, than any large European capital—and its founders laid it off on a generous plan which has left the opportunity of furthering what Nature presented, in a way to appeal … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Standard History of The City of Washington

Standard History of The City of Washington – William Tindall

The history of the city of Washington, it is believed, could in no way be more effectively supplied than by telling the story, so far as possible, in the words of the participants. From the documents and records in the Government archives it is possible to give an almost complete story of the establishment of the city of Washington in the actual language of the men who achieved it; and believing that in the words of Washington, Jefferson, L’Enfant, Carroll, Johnson, Stuart, Thornton, Scott and White, this story could be told with more intense interest than in any words of his own, the compiler endeavored, in giving this portion of … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Story of Washington – The National Capital

The Story of Washington – The National Capital – Charles Burr Todd

The author divides his work into two parts, the first of which is devoted to the historical, the second to the modern city. Frequent use is made of direct quotations from letters, official and private, and interesting scenes and occurrences of national importance are vividly portrayed. The writer has succeeded admirably in telling his story pleasingly and the book contains much information. Its interest is not local, but national, closely connected as the history of the city is with that of the nation. Nothing that belongs to the city seems to have been omitted from the second part. The Capitol, the various departments with their sub-divisions and machinery, … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Historic Sketches At Washington

Historic Sketches At Washington – George Alfred Townsend

The purpose of this book, which was originally published at the beginning of the 20th century, was to make Washington visible to voters, so that they could be guided in criticism upon abuses such as have been related. The course of the chapters is purposely made discursive so that the mind can be carried through a variety of scenes without flagging.

Historic Sketches At Washington

Historic Sketches At Washington

Format: Paperback.

Historic Sketches At Washington.

ISBN: 9783849672164.

Available at and other venues.


Basics on Washington, D.C. (from Wikipedia):

Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington or D.C., is the capital of the United States of America. Founded after … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Yesterdays in Washington (Volumes 1 & 2)

Yesterdays in Washington – Mary Smith Lockwood

Mary Smith Lockwood is one of the original three who organized the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Her fantastic book about the nation’s capital is full of reminiscences of the great men of the nation, their homes and political life. In addition with the countless untold stories of powerful influences that have gone into the making of the nation, this work is going to be your favourite reading about the history of Washington, D.C. — This edition includes both, originally separately published volumes one and two.

Yesterdays in Washington

Yesterdays in Washington

Format: Paperback.

Yesterdays in Washington.

ISBN: 9783849672478.

Available at and other venues.


Basics on Washington, D.C. (from Wikipedia):… Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Early Days Of Washington

Early Days Of Washington – S. Somervell Mackall

Miss Mackall in the ‘Early Days of Washington’ has written and compiled one of the first histories of Washington and of the District of Columbia which shows mark of authority and careful preparation. The work is the result of years of study and toil, and we have, in consequence, a book of more than local interest. It is, necessarily, largely biographical, and here Miss Mackall has had exceptional facilities. Belonging to one of the oldest and best-known of the District families, her forefathers being socially thrown with the makers of Washington history, many incidents of interest, which otherwise would have been lost, have been handed down and are now told in print … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

Ten Years In Washington

Ten Years In Washington – Mary Clemmer Ames

Mary Clemmer Ames’ book tells of the “inner life,” wonders, marvels, mysteries, secret doings etc. of the nation’s capital, “as a woman sees. them.” The chapters are overflowing with spicy revelations, humor, pathos and good things for all.

Ten Years In Washington

Ten Years In Washington

Format: Paperback.

Ten Years In Washington.

ISBN: 9783849672454.

Available at and other venues.


Basics on Washington, D.C. (from Wikipedia):

Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington or D.C., is the capital of the United States of America. Founded after the American Revolution as the seat of government of the newly independent country, Washington was named after George Washington, first President of the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar

The Book of Washington

The Book of Washington – Robert Shackleton

Books about the national capital are always in order. Those written almost one hundred years ago might already be out of date, as regards many significant features of the city’s growth and development. But Mr. Robert Shackleton, after an extended experience in describing such cities as New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, has at last written a comprehensive “Book of Washington”—not a guide or handbook merely, but an intelligent summary and review of the past and present attractions of the city.

The Book of Washington

The Book of Washington

Format: Paperback.

The Book of Washington

ISBN: 9783849684709

Available at and other venues.


Washington D.C. Basics (from Wikipedia):

Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), District of Columbia | Schreib einen Kommentar