Monatsarchive: Januar 2022

Bitte lächeln!

Bitte lächeln!

Folge dem jungen Rehkitz, wenn es mit seinen Freunden um die Wette läuft. Eine Geschichte für Kinder, die gerade mit dem Lesen beginnen. Leichte Worte, kurze Sätze. Ideal auch zum Vor- und Miteinanderlesen.

Bitte lächeln!

Bitte lächeln!

Format: Taschenbuch/eBook

Bitte lächeln!

ISBN: 9783849653569 (eBook)

ISBN: 9783849669249 (Taschenbuch)


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Veröffentlicht unter Kinderbücher | Schreib einen Kommentar

Dicker König, dünner Hund

Dicker König, dünner Hund

Rennt mit dem dicken König dem dünnen Hund hinterher und seht, was passiert! Eine Geschichte für Kinder, die gerade mit dem Lesen beginnen. Leichte Worte, kurze Sätze. Ideal auch zum Vor- und Miteinanderlesen.

Dicker König, dünner Hund

Dicker König, dünner Hund.

Format: Taschenbuch/eBook

Dicker König, dünner Hund.

ISBN: 9783849653552 (eBook)

ISBN: 9783849669232 (Taschenbuch)


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Veröffentlicht unter Kinderbücher | Schreib einen Kommentar

History of Fresno County, Vol. 4

History of Fresno County, Vol. 4 – Paul E. Vandor

The editor and publisher of these volumes, which include not less than several hundred biographies spread across the six books, presents them confidently as a verified and authoritative history of the county – the result of conscientious labor in original research , and of information imparted by pioneers and their descendants , entered upon originally as a pastime and without thought of publication of the collated material. It essays to present county and city historical data that had lasting bearing on the times, but which with many of the picturesque incidents were ignored or overlooked in the publications that have gone before; and lastly it is an endeavor also to … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), California | Schreib einen Kommentar

History of Fresno County, Vol. 3

History of Fresno County, Vol. 3 – Paul E. Vandor

The editor and publisher of these volumes, which include not less than several hundred biographies spread across the six books, presents them confidently as a verified and authoritative history of the county – the result of conscientious labor in original research , and of information imparted by pioneers and their descendants , entered upon originally as a pastime and without thought of publication of the collated material. It essays to present county and city historical data that had lasting bearing on the times, but which with many of the picturesque incidents were ignored or overlooked in the publications that have gone before; and lastly it is an endeavor also to … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), California | Schreib einen Kommentar

History of Fresno County, Vol. 2

History of Fresno County, Vol. 2 – Paul E. Vandor

The editor and publisher of these volumes, which include not less than several hundred biographies spread across the six books, presents them confidently as a verified and authoritative history of the county – the result of conscientious labor in original research , and of information imparted by pioneers and their descendants , entered upon originally as a pastime and without thought of publication of the collated material. It essays to present county and city historical data that had lasting bearing on the times, but which with many of the picturesque incidents were ignored or overlooked in the publications that have gone before; and lastly it is an endeavor also to … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), California | Schreib einen Kommentar

A Night In Acadie

A Night In Acadie – Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin, whose stories have deservedly won much praise, has chosen her field among the rural Acadian French of Louisiana, whose patois is not the same as that of the New Orleans Creoles, and whose traditions are quite distinct. This volume is altogether delightful and takes its name, ‘A Night in Acadie’, from the title of the first story. There are twenty-one tales in all.


A Night In Acadie

A Night In Acadie.

Format: eBook.

A Night In Acadie.

ISBN: 9783849658854.


Excerpt from the text:


THERE was nothing to do on the plantation so Telèsphore, having a few dollars in his pocket, thought he would go down and spend Sunday in the vicinity of Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Chopin, Kate, Classics of Fiction (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

At Fault

At Fault – Kate Chopin

The scene of ” At Fault ” is laid in Louisiana , and the creole dialect used by Thérèse and her friends is much more agreeable than the slang indulged in by the wealthy St . Louis women. The tale has a somewhat pleasant flavor, and the local color seems to be well preserved. The story ends happily in the orthodox fashion.


At Fault

At Fault.

Format: eBook.

At Fault.

ISBN: 9783849658847.


Excerpt from the text:


“You got to set mighty still in this pirogue,” said Grégoire, as with a long oar-stroke he pulled out into mid stream.

“Yes, I know,” answered Melicent complacently, arranging herself opposite him in the long narrow boat: all Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Chopin, Kate, Classics of Fiction (English) | Schreib einen Kommentar

Laelius de amicitia

Laelius de amicitia – Cicero

Lateinische Ausgabe. ‘Laelius de amicitia’, auf Deutsch ‘Laelius über die Freundschaft’, ist Ciceros Freund Titus Pomponius Atticus gewidmet und stammt vermutlich aus dem Jahre 44 vor Christus. Der Dialog versucht dabei Meinungen über die Freundschaft, das Wesen der Freundschaft und Vorschriften in der Freundschaft zu erörtern und zu definieren.

Laelius de amicitia

Laelius de amicitia.

Format: Taschenbuch/eBook

Laelius de amicitia.

ISBN: 9783849653453 (eBook)

ISBN: 9783849671174 (Taschenbuch)


Auszug aus dem Werk:



Q. Mucius augur multa narrare de C. Laelio socero suo memoriter et iucunde solebat nec dubitare illum in omni sermone appellare sapientem; ego autem a patre ita eram deductus ad Scaevolam sumpta virili toga, ut, quoad possem et liceret, a senis latere numquam discederem; itaque Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Cicero, Lateinische Klassiker | Schreib einen Kommentar


Brutus – Cicero

Lateinische Ausgabe. Ciceros Freund Marcus Iunius Brutus stand Pate bei der Namensgebung dieses 46 v. Chr. verfassten und entstandenen Werkes. Der Inhalt besteht aus einem Dialog zwischen Cicero, Brutus und Atticus und behandelt die Geschichte der römischen Redekunst bis zu Cicero selbst.



Format: Taschenbuch/eBook


ISBN: 9783849653446 (eBook)

ISBN: 9783849671167 (Taschenbuch)


Auszug aus dem Werk:


[1] Cum e Cilicia decedens Rhodum venissem et eo mihi de Q. Hortensi morte esset adlatum, opinione omnium maiorem animo cepi dolorem. nam et amico amisso cum consuetudine iucunda tum multorum officiorum coniunctione me privatum videbam et interitu talis auguris dignitatem nostri conlegi deminutam dolebam; qua in cogitatione et cooptatum me ab eo in conlegium recordabar, in quo iuratus Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Cicero, Lateinische Klassiker | Schreib einen Kommentar

De Medicina

De Medicina – Celsus

Lateinische Ausgabe mit Kommentaren. De Medicina ist der einzige erhaltene Teil der großen Enzyklopädie des Aulus Cornelius Celsus in lateinischer Sprache. Er stellt darin umfassend das medizinische Wissen seiner Zeit dar. Das Werk gliedert sich in acht Bücher, in denen Celsus pathologische, therapeutisxche und pharmakologische Fragen im Lichte des Wissens seiner Zeit abhandelt.

De Medicina

De Medicina.

Format: Taschenbuch/eBook

De Medicina.

ISBN: 9783849653439 (eBook)

ISBN: 9783849671143 (Taschenbuch)


Auszug aus dem Werk:


Ut alimenta sanis corporibus Agricultura, sic sanitatem aegris Medicina promittit. Haec nusquam quidem non est: siquidem etiam imperitissimae gentes herbas, aliaque promta in auxilium vulnerum morborumque noverunt. [2] Verum tamen apud Graecos aliquanto magis, quam in ceteris nationibus, exculta est; ac ne apud hos quidem Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter Celsus, Lateinische Klassiker | Schreib einen Kommentar