Outline of History – H. G. Wells
No book is provoking a more animated discussion among students of the social sciences at the present time than H. G. Wells’ Outline of History. The author’s task, as he himself sets it, is to tell, “truly and clearly, in one continuous narrative, the whole story of life and mankind so far as it is known today.” But while these two volumes are plainly for the general reader rather than for the special student of history, it does not follow that they contain nothing beyond an endless parade of names and dates. Their chief value, indeed, is in the author’s interpretation of what he writes about. Events are appraised and men are weighed in the balance as he goes along. Historians in general will not agree with some of these appraisals, nor will they credit Mr. Wells with an approach to infallibility in his judgment of the men who flit across his pages; but his estimates of the relative value of facts and forces can scarcely be brushed aside because they do not command general indorsement. On some matters, unhappily, Mr. Wells has allowed his iconoclastic proclivities to run away with him. Napoleon I, for example, cannot be disposed of as a second-grade “pestilence” because “he killed fewer people than the influenza epidemic of 1918″ (II, p. 384); nor will the world believe, so long as it retains its senses, that Napoleon III was ” a much more intelligent man” than his uncle (II, p. 438). Even the pinchbeck himself would have rebuked this insinuation. But when all is said, these two stout volumes embody a remarkable achievement. They contain astonishingly few historical inaccuracies of the customary type. The author’s advisers, and a competent galaxy of scholars they are, have kept him clear of the pitfalls. The style is terse and forceful. Mr. Wells certainly has the gift of cogent exposition.

Outline of History
Format: Paperback.
Outline of History.
ISBN: 9783849675677.
Available at amazon.com and other venues.
The structure of Outline of History (from Wikipedia):
The third revised and rearranged edition is organised in chapters whose subjects, grosso modo, are as follows: Ch. 1–2: The origins of the Earth; Ch. 3–6: Natural selection and the evolution of life; Ch. 7: Human origins; Ch. 8: Neanderthals and the early Paleolithic Age; Ch. 9: The later Paleolithic Age; Ch. 10: The Neolithic Age; Ch. 11: Early (prelinguistic) thought; Ch. 12: Races; Ch. 13: Languages; Ch. 14: The first civilisations; Ch. 15: Sea voyages and trading; Ch. 16: Writing; Ch. 17: Organized religion; Ch. 18: Social classes; Ch. 19: The Hebrews; Ch. 20: Aryan-speaking (or Indo-European-speaking) peoples; Ch. 21–23: The Greeks; Ch. 24: Alexandria; Ch. 25: Buddhism; Ch. 26–28: Rome; Ch. 29: Christianity; Ch. 30: Asia (50 BC-AD 650); Ch. 31: Islam; Ch. 32: The Crusades; Ch. 33: The Mongols; Ch. 34: The “renascence” of Western Civilization; Ch. 35: Political developments, esp. the great power concept; Ch. 36: The American and French revolutions; Ch. 37: Napoleon; Ch. 38: The nineteenth century; Ch. 39: The Great War; Ch. 40: The next stage of history.
(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)
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