The Desire of Ages – Ellen Gould White
The author treats the life and work of Christ and his disciples in this volume from the standpoint of a believer to believers, and as a Christian to Christians. The Desire of Ages is more than a biography of the life of Christ: it is the story of the ife or lives, revealing the breadth, height, and depth, of the Father’s love, in the gift of his only Son for the fallen race. The scenes and incidents in connection with the Saviour’s birth in Bethlehem of Judea, the appearance of the angels to the shepherds; his mother his first human teacher; Christ’s baptism; the Great Teacher; in Gethsemane; in Pilate’s judgment-hall; Calvary; in Joseph’s new tomb; the resurrection and ascension are dwelt upon in such a way as to enable the reader to obtain a new glimpse of the divine character revealed in the earthly life of Christ. The Desire of Ages is a book for parents, educators, Sunday-school officers, teachers, and students. It is an invaluable reference book, and should be in every home and library.
Format: Paperback.
The Desire of Ages.
ISBN: 9783849699031
More Information on this book (from Wikipedia):
The Desire of Ages is a book about the life of Jesus Christ by the Seventh-day Adventist pioneer Ellen G. White. It was first published in 1898. It is part of her five-volume Conflict of the Ages series, a devotional commentary spanning Bible history from Genesis to the second coming of Christ.
Originally Ellen G. White wrote the book with a much larger content, but prior to publishing the book was divided into three separate volumes: Desire of Ages, Christ’s Object Lessons (strictly on the parables of Jesus) and Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings.
The title of the book is drawn from an Old Testament prophecy of Jesus in Haggai 2:7. “And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.” (KJV) The narrative begins with the prophecy that foretells his name, Immanuel, which means, translated literally, “God with us”. After this opening, the narrative continues with the birth of Jesus Christ and his life. Subsequently, it relates and interprets his later life and ministry. White gives time and consideration to the life of Christ: to his many miracles, his teachings to his disciples, and his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension.
(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)
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