The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science – Thomas Troward

The work, called Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, begins with a chapter on spirit and matter, and shows that the fundamental principal of everything is the spirit, the ideal, the purpose and object and matter is simply the form in which this spirit manifests itself. A living spirit, and dynamic force are the central power, and active moving matter is the result. There is no such thing as dead matter, through all the universe, there is motion, continuous, that is guided by a spirit, an ideal power towards Ideal ends. A second chapter describes the control over these spirit forces by higher intelligence and shows that there is a certain atomic as well as psychical intelligence which governs the world in every detail. After describing the unity of the spirit forces, showing that they are under great laws that regulate their activity, he takes up the subjective and objective minds or the conscious or the subconscious activities of the brain and points out their relation and association, and how far they dominate and influence the details of life. The chapters on the laws of growth and receptivity, showing that universal mind and individual mind are exact results, and not random changing efforts. Also it is possible to trace them to their causes. In the next chapter intuitions and their indications and meanings and the law which control them, are shown to be realities.

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

Format: Paperback.

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science.

ISBN: 9783849674342.

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Thomas Troward (from

Troward was a divisional Judge in British-administered India. His avocation was the study of comparative religion.

After his retirement from the judiciary in 1896, Troward set out to apply logic and a judicial weighing of evidence in the study of matters of cause and effect. The philosopher William James characterized Troward’s Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science as “far and away the ablest statement of philosophy I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement.”

According to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) archivist Nell Wing, early AA members were strongly encouraged to read Thomas Troward’s Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science. In the opening of the 2006 film The Secret, introductory remarks credit Troward’s philosophy with inspiring the movie and its production.

Troward was a past president of the International New Thought Alliance.

Geneviève Behrend studied with Troward from 1912 until 1914; Behrend was the only personal student he had throughout his life.


(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)


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