The Essays of George Eliot

The Essays of George Eliot – George Eliot

George Eliot prepared for the press a few essays which she had written before she became famous. These essays she left, with the injunction that no fugitive writings of hers prior to 1857 should be republished, other than those thus prepared. Then they have been published as a volume in Harper’s edition of the Works of George Eliot. The subjects presented are, Worldliness and Other-Worldliness, (the poet Young.) German Wit, (Henrich Heine). Evangelical Teaching, (Dr. Cumming.) Influence of Rationalism, (Mr. Lecky’s History.) Natural History of German Life, (The books of W. H Richl.) and an Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt.

The Essays of George Eliot

The Essays of George Eliot

The Essays of George Eliot.

ISBN: 9783849673840.

Available at and other venues.


A short biography of George Eliot (from Wikipedia):

Mary Anne Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880), known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, poet, journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1871–72), and Daniel Deronda (1876), most of which are set in provincial England and known for their realism and psychological insight.

She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure that her works would be taken seriously. Female authors were published under their own names during Eliot’s lifetime, but she wanted to escape the stereotype of women’s writing being limited to lighthearted romances. She also wanted to have her fiction judged separately from her already extensive and widely known work as an editor and critic. Another factor in her use of a pen name may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny, thus avoiding the scandal that would have arisen because of her adulterous relationship with the married George Henry Lewes.

Eliot’s Middlemarch has been described by Martin Amis and Julian Barnes as the greatest novel in the English language.


(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)


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