The Sacred Writings of Pseudo-Clementine Literature

The Sacred Writings of Pseudo-Clementine Literature

The name “Pseudo-Clementine Literature” (or, more briefly, “Clementina” ) is applied to a series of writings, closely resembling each other, purporting to emanate from the great Roman Father. But, as Dr. Schaff remarks, in this literature he is evidently confounded with “Flavius Clement, kinsman of the Emperor Domitian.” These writings are two in number: (1) the Recognitions, of which only the Latin translation of Rufinus has been preserved; (2) the Homilies, twenty in number, of which a complete collection has been known since 1853. Other writings may be classed with these; but they are of the same general character, except that most of them show the influence of a later age, adapting the material more closely to the orthodox doctrine.

The Sacred Writings of Pseudo-Clementine Literature

The Sacred Writings of Pseudo-Clementine Literature

Format: Paperback.

The Sacred Writings of Pseudo-Clementine Literature.

ISBN: 9783849675066.

Available at and other venues.


Biography of Flavius Clement (from wikipedia)

Flavius Clement (died 96 AD) was an early Christian martyr. He was the brother of Roman emperor Vespasian and uncle of emperors Titus and Domitian. He was the husband of Saint Flavia Domitilla. He held the post of consul to Domitian in 95 AD, but was executed by Domitian for being a Christian.


(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)


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