Mind-Power: The Secret Of Mental Magic – William Walker Atkinson
Atkinson’s work is widely considered as one of the best among the New Thought publications. All his lessons are funneling into one big aim: how mind can conquer matter. Learn how to train and improve your mind and to train your new powers.
Format: Paperback.
Mind-Power: The Secret Of Mental Magic.
ISBN: 9783849689083
Available at amazon.com and other venues.
Mental Science and New Thought (from Wikipedia):
Some time after his healing, William Walker Atkinson (a.k.a. Theron Q. Dumont) began to write articles on the truths he felt he had discovered, which were then known as Mental Science. In 1889, an article by him entitled “A Mental Science Catechism,” appeared in Charles Fillmore’s new periodical, Modern Thought.
By the early 1890s Chicago had become a major centre for New Thought, mainly through the work of Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Atkinson decided to move there. Once in the city, he became an active promoter of the movement as an editor and author. He was responsible for publishing the magazines Suggestion (1900–1901), New Thought (1901–1905) and Advanced Thought (1906–1916).
In 1900 Atkinson worked as an associate editor of Suggestion, a New Thought Journal, and wrote his probable first book, Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life, being a series of lessons in personal magnetism, psychic influence, thought-force, concentration, will-power, and practical mental science.
He then met Sydney Flower, a well-known New Thought publisher and businessman, and teamed up with him. In December, 1901 he assumed editorship of Flower’s popular New Thought magazine, a post which he held until 1905. During these years he built for himself an enduring place in the hearts of its readers. Article after article flowed from his pen. Meanwhile, he also founded his own Psychic Club and the so-called “Atkinson School of Mental Science”. Both were located in the same building as Flower’s Psychic Research and New Thought Publishing Company.
Atkinson was a past president of the International New Thought Alliance.
(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)
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