Adams von Bremen Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte

Adams von Bremen Hamburgische Kirchengeschichte

Adam von Bremen war ein deutscher Historiker und Geograph des elften Jahrhunderts. Die genauen Daten seiner Geburt und seines Todes sind unbekannt. Er schrieb die “Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum”, eine Geschichte der Hamburger Kirche und der christlichen Missionen im Norden von 788 bis 1072 n. Chr.. Es ist unsere wichtigste Wissensquelle über die Geschichte und Ethnographie der nördlichen Regionen vor dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert. Über das Leben des Autors ist wenig bekannt; er selbst gibt uns nur sehr spärliche Informationen. Die Vorrede zu seiner Geschichte unterzeichnet er lediglich mit seinem Anfangsbuchstaben A. Dass dies für Adam steht, wissen wir aus Helmolds Slawischer Chronik, die Adam eindeutig als Verfasser einer Geschichte der Hamburger Kirche bezeichnet. Dass er … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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Elisabeth, Kaiserin von Österreich: Erinnerungen an ihr Leben

Elisabeth, Kaiserin von Österreich: Erinnerungen an ihr Leben – Edward Morgan Alborough de Burgh

Es war ein interessantes Leben, das mit der Ermordung der Kaiserin von Österreich im September 1898 zu Ende ging, aber wie interessant es in seinen kleinsten Einzelheiten war, wurde vielen Menschen erst bewusst, als sie die Biographien lasen, die nach ihrem Tod veröffentlich wurden. Der Schock von Elisabeths tragischem Tod wurde sogar dort so empfunden, wo sie kaum mehr als ein Name war. Der Stil von De Burghs Werk ist sicher weniger malerisch und attraktiv als der anderer Biographien und bietet vielleicht eine weniger persönliche Note. Er war der Kaiserin zwar begegnet und hatte sie bei mehreren Gelegenheiten gesehen, und er gesteht seine glühende Bewunderung ihrer … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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Confederate Military History, Vol. 15: Florida

Confederate Military History, Vol. 15: Florida.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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Confederate Military History, Vol. 14: Texas

Confederate Military History, Vol. 14: Texas.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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Confederate Military History, Vol. 13: Arkansas

Confederate Military History, Vol. 13: Arkansas.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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Confederate Military History, Vol. 12: Louisiana

Confederate Military History, Vol. 12: Louisiana.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), Civil War | Schreib einen Kommentar

Confederate Military History, Vol. 11: Missouri

Confederate Military History, Vol. 11: Missouri.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), Civil War | Schreib einen Kommentar

Confederate Military History, Vol. 10: Kentucky

Confederate Military History, Vol. 10: Kentucky.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), Civil War | Schreib einen Kommentar

Confederate Military History, Vol. 9: Tennessee

Confederate Military History, Vol. 9: Tennessee.

This work spanning fifteen extensive volumes is the result of contributions by many Southern men to the literature of the United States that treats of the eventful years in which occurred the momentous struggle called by Mr. A. H. Stephens “the war between the States.” These contributions were made on a well-considered plan, to be wrought out by able writers of unquestionable Confederate record who were thoroughly united in general sentiment and whose generous labors upon separate topics would, when combined, constitute a library of Confederate military history and biography. According to the great principle in the government of the United States that one may result from and be composed of many – the … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

Veröffentlicht unter American History (English), Civil War | Schreib einen Kommentar

Russia and Reform

Russia and Reform – Bernard Pares

Beginning with a rather impressionistic but distinctly readable sketch of the rise and advance of Russia from the earliest times, Mr. Pares, with the emancipation of the serfs, enters into a detailed study which is really worthy of comparison with Mackenzie Wallace’s great book. Like Wallace, Mr. Pares evidently knows his Russia thoroughly, and his Russian in every walk of life. The geographical and economic aspects of the country, the governmental system, the educational facilities, the home life of the noble and the peasant, the literature that has been produced and the men who have produced it — all this and much more is expounded by him in a way that is equally interesting … Read more.../Mehr lesen ...

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