The Captain of the Polestar and other tales

The Captain of the Polestar and other tales – Arthur Conan Doyle

The Captain of the Pole Star is a short story-collection written by Arthur Conan Doyle and containing the following tales:

The Captain Of The “Pole-Star.”
J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement.
The Great Keinplatz Experiment.
The Man From Archangel.
That Little Square Box.
John Huxford’s Hiatus.
Cyprian Overbeck Wells— A Literary Mosaic.
John Barrington Cowles.
The Parson Of Jackman’s Gulch.
The Ring Of Thoth.

The Captain of the Polestar and other tales

The Captain of the Polestar and other tales

Format: Paperback.

The Captain of the Polestar and other tales.

ISBN: 9783849689414

Available at and other venues.


Short biography of the author (from Wikipedia):

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ, DL (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. Originally a physician, in 1887 he published A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels about Holmes and Dr. Watson. In addition, Doyle wrote over fifty short stories featuring the famous detective.

The Sherlock Holmes stories are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. Doyle is also known for writing the fictional adventures of Professor Challenger and for propagating the mystery of the Mary Celeste. He was a prolific writer whose other works include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels.

(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)


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