The Stark Munro Letters

The Stark Munro Letters – Arthur Conan Doyle

Obviously “The Stark Munro Letters” have not the fascination of the unique Sherlock Holmes, but the book is a bit of real literature. It narrates the struggles of a young medical man to secure a footing, and the courage and energy of this person are not less than admirable. There are some excellent sketches of character apart from that of Dr. Munro himself, the principal one being that of a strange mixture of genius and charlatanism named Cullingworth, who nearly wrecks the manly Munro, but whose influence is happily thrown off in time. The book has a curious life-like quality, almost impelling a conviction that its material has been taken from facts in the author’s knowledge, and yet we have so high an opinion of Dr. Doyle’s invention that we do not insist upon this theory.

The Stark Munro Letters

The Stark Munro Letters

Format: Paperback.

The Stark Munro Letters.

ISBN: 9783849690212

Available at and other venues.


Basics about the book (from Wikipedia):

As an epistolary novel it takes the form of twelve long letters written by J. Stark Munro between March 1881 and November 1884 and sent to his friend Herbert Swanborough of Lowell, Massachusetts. Stark Munro is a recent graduate from medical school, and the letters detail his attempts to create a medical practice in partnership with the brilliant but unorthodox James Cullingworth. The novel is in fact a thinly disguised account of Doyle’s experiences with George Turnavine Budd with whom he was in partnership, before finally setting up his own practice in Plymouth in 1882.


(The text of the last section was taken from a Wikipedia entry and is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)


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